
2011年6月11日 星期六

Giantess Garden Weekly (23/2011)

Live action
Name: Reinações de Narizinho
("Adventures of Little Nose").

A Brasilian TV series from 1982. The plot
is a little bit like "Alice in Wonderland".
In one scene two tiny bug-men are
crawling on a girl's face.
In Portuguese language.

In a ranch lives an old widow, Dona Benta ("Mrs. Benta"),
and her two grandchildren, a girl, Lúcia, referred only by
her nickname Narizinho (roughly "Little Nose", because
of her turned-up nose), and her cousin boy, Pedrinho
("Little Pete"); the servant and cook, a black woman named
Nastácia ("Anastacia"), and two talking puppets, the rag doll
Emília (animated by some of Doctor Snail's "Talking Pills"
she somehow "ingested") and the aristocratic and learned
puppet made of corncob Visconde de Sabugosa (roughly
"Viscount of Corncob") ("sabugo" means corncob in Portu-
guese, "Sabugosa" is a parody of the Count de Sabugosa).
The ranch is home to various animals, including the fat pig
Rabicó ("Short-Tail") the cow Mocha (pronounced "Maw-sha"),
the intelligent donkey Conselheiro ("Advisor"), and a rhinoceros
called Quindim (named after quindim, a Brazilian dessert), who
fled from a circus and was kept hidden by the children.

Size: 35.6 mb
Runtime: 14.15 min

Name: Journey to the West

This is another version of the
well-known Chinese story.
Monkey-King has turned himself
in a bug. He jumps into a cup
of tea, which is drunk by the
In Chinese language.

Size: 15.1 mb
Runtime: 7 min

Breast Expansion
Title: Ultimate Tinkerbell
Author: Frakass

Tinkerbell drinks a potion for
breast enlarging. But something
goes wrong. Her breasts are now
unstoppable growing.

This is an improved special edition.
Thanks to Frakass.

21 Pages
5.43 mb

Fables #51

