
2011年6月25日 星期六

Giantess Garden Weekly (25/2011)

Live action

Name: iCarly
Episode 20: iBeat the Heat

A very tall and hot girl dates
a smaller boy.
At the end of the episode she
stomps a model town like Godzilla.

Size: 58.5 mb
Runtime: 23 min

Name: The Devil Lady
Episode 26: Man

Asuka was revealed to be the child
of God and she appears all over the
world to make everyone accept that
fact. Jun awakes in a place and sees
all of the demons trapped in a tower
forged of demon bodies, she also finds
Kazumi trapped in the tower. Jun de-
cides to forge her soul with the force
from the Demons, which Kazumi also
lets her absorb her in order to help in
the final battle with Asuka.

DevilLady in her giant form battles a
angel-like giant creature.

Size: 19.6 mb
Runtime: 9.53 min
Title: Saving Poor Elsy Shelby
Author: Ferran Xalabarder

It's a very weird story.
A giantess walks through a city
in the 19th century. She meets
another giantess, who works
as a train station.

11 Pages
4.7 mb

The Defenders V2 #12 


2011年6月18日 星期六

Giantess Garden Weekly (24/2011)

 Live action
Name: Anteater

An Asian woman (Thai) eats
ants live by handful and mouthful.
Absolute amazing.

Size: 17.9 mb
Runtime: 7 min


Name: Macross 7 - The Movie
The Galaxy is calling me

Macross 7 the Movie is a theatrical episode of Macross 7.
The story tells of how Basara Nekki and Mylene Flare Jenius'
sister, Emilia Jenius were acquainted. Basara winds up on an
icy planet due to a fold accident. The townsfolk he encounters
say a monster lives in the mountains, which causes Basara to
investigate. He then meets Emilia Jenius, a full-sized Meltlan
who sings on the planet because her voice is too loud for popu-
lated worlds. Emilia, who sports Milia Fallyna Jenius' green hair,
aspires to be like Lynn Minmei, flies a Queadlunn Ouilqua Power
Armora custom variant. Emilia's singing causes an Anima Spiritia
irregularity, causing the Protodevilin, Gavil, Glavil and Natter-
Valgo to investigate on orders by Lord Gepernich. Basara and
Emilia fight the Protodevilin with song after Basara throws his
VF-19-Kai "Fire Valkyrie" in the way of Emilia's missiles attacking
With the help of the other Sound Force members who show up
during the battle, along with Gamlin Kizaki, the Protodevilins are
repelled and flee. However, Emilia's custom power armor is des-
troyed during the battle while saving the townsfolk from a flood.

Size: 69.4 mb
Runtime: 29.15 min
Tarot: Witch of the Black Rose

Title: Issue #11
Author: Jim Balent

Tarot: Witch of the Black Rose is an American comic
book, written and drawn by Jim Balent with coloring
and lettering by Holly Golightly and published by
Broadsword Comics since 1999.

It is the story of Tarot, a warrior witch, and her family,
friends and lovers. The comic generally features stories
of fantasy action and adventure interspersed with
frequent scenes of nudity.

Tarot, still in the realm between the living and the dead
is on a quest to find the Black Rose Sword. On her way
she meets up with many different (giant) goddesses
and other beings that want to help her find it.
Most give her all this magical armour and stuff.

24 Pages
10.6 mb
X-Force #25


2011年6月11日 星期六

Giantess Garden Weekly (23/2011)

Live action
Name: Reinações de Narizinho
("Adventures of Little Nose").

A Brasilian TV series from 1982. The plot
is a little bit like "Alice in Wonderland".
In one scene two tiny bug-men are
crawling on a girl's face.
In Portuguese language.

In a ranch lives an old widow, Dona Benta ("Mrs. Benta"),
and her two grandchildren, a girl, Lúcia, referred only by
her nickname Narizinho (roughly "Little Nose", because
of her turned-up nose), and her cousin boy, Pedrinho
("Little Pete"); the servant and cook, a black woman named
Nastácia ("Anastacia"), and two talking puppets, the rag doll
Emília (animated by some of Doctor Snail's "Talking Pills"
she somehow "ingested") and the aristocratic and learned
puppet made of corncob Visconde de Sabugosa (roughly
"Viscount of Corncob") ("sabugo" means corncob in Portu-
guese, "Sabugosa" is a parody of the Count de Sabugosa).
The ranch is home to various animals, including the fat pig
Rabicó ("Short-Tail") the cow Mocha (pronounced "Maw-sha"),
the intelligent donkey Conselheiro ("Advisor"), and a rhinoceros
called Quindim (named after quindim, a Brazilian dessert), who
fled from a circus and was kept hidden by the children.

Size: 35.6 mb
Runtime: 14.15 min

Name: Journey to the West

This is another version of the
well-known Chinese story.
Monkey-King has turned himself
in a bug. He jumps into a cup
of tea, which is drunk by the
In Chinese language.

Size: 15.1 mb
Runtime: 7 min

Breast Expansion
Title: Ultimate Tinkerbell
Author: Frakass

Tinkerbell drinks a potion for
breast enlarging. But something
goes wrong. Her breasts are now
unstoppable growing.

This is an improved special edition.
Thanks to Frakass.

21 Pages
5.43 mb

Fables #51


2011年6月4日 星期六

Giantess Garden Weekly (22/2011)

Live action
Name: BigBeautifulWomen (BBW)

This is a collection of a dozen
short clips about tall and strong
amazon women. Some have
a big booty. Mostly ebony.

Size: 53.7 mb
Runtime: 21 min

Name: Detective George

A young woman hires a detective
who turns out to be only a few
inches tall.
Sort of the Japanese version of
Inch high Private eye.

Size: 28.5 mb
Runtime: 11.50 min

Japanese Hentai

Title: Musou Sentai Itemaunjya
Author: Kira Hiroyoshi

Female superhero drinks growth
potion and turns into a giantess
in the middle of a town.
Ultraman in his giant form arrives
and immediately fucks her.
The inhabitants are watching.

With English translation.

22 Pages
11.6 mb

